Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mr Apparently Creepy Guy....

(see comment on post below)

I have had a chat with Mr. Apparently Creepy Guy and made it clear we are just friends, It has un nerved me a bit that people in the real world read my blogg. It is not that bad but it the idea takes a bit of getting used to.

I think I will start telling my old friends (non cyber friends) about my blogg. It was never suppose to be a secret.

Mr Apparently Creepy guy has made me think more about my blogg, from now on I am going to be a lot more careful about what I post to ensure no one would be able to predict my movements and stuff. I have also removed the link from the Social Anxiety Website. it is a shame but I am feeling a bit exposed right now.

Paranoid or careful - it will make me feel happier?

oh well.....
bloggs go on.......


Anonymous said...

Bah. I really should have selected a different tag for myself!

ACG (Or Laos Dietrich Feng)

Raine said...

there is another choice- you can keep this blog for your real life friends and make another with some deception about it to make you unidentifiable where you can voice your thoughts and feelings that you want to keep private from those that you deal with in real life........ if you choose to do so. Just a thought

Annie said...

I'm not going to give up my blogg!! I don't think I have time for deception :)