Friday, May 18, 2007

Me Me...

Twenty Things I love
  1. The effect of a glass of wine
  2. The feeling of being loved
  3. My Friends
  4. My Family
  5. Little Children and Babies
  6. A Relaxing Evening In
  7. My Bed
  8. My Cat
  9. My Independence
  10. My Job
  11. My Smart Car
  12. Helmans Mayonaise
  13. Lakes and Mountains
  14. Sunshine
  15. Rain
  16. Thunder Storms
  17. The Smell of Frost
  18. Deep Snow
  19. Running
  20. Straight Teeth

Twenty Things I hate
  1. Arguments
  2. People Sulking
  3. Arrogance
  4. Judgements
  5. Creulty
  6. Suffering
  7. Tension
  8. Hate
  9. Pychosis
  10. Pychiatric Hospitals
  11. General Practitioners
  12. Waiting Rooms
  13. Waking Up
  14. Office Politics
  15. SNAKES (any thing without legs really)
  16. Debt
  17. Vomit
  18. Poo
  19. Washing Up
  20. A Mess
Five Things I love to Hate
  1. Bipolar Disorder
  2. Meeting New People
  3. People in General
  4. Colds and Flu (I like duvet days)
  5. Working Weekends


Raine said...

cant disagree with you on those

Dave B. said...

Good list, Annie. I pretty much like and hate the same things. I especially like stocking up for a big snow storm and then being snowed in with a bunch of rented movies, food in the fridge, and a roaring fire going in the fireplace.

I also like the new colours on your blog.
