Thursday, February 11, 2010

Aripiprazole Update

I am still at my Mum's although I am going to try and do some work tomorrow or evven later today.  I think my agitation is stress related as well as the side effect of aripiprazole.  I spoke to my psychiatrist this morning and I am to reduce both the aripiprazole back to 5mg daily and the queytiapine is to be reduced further to 25mg daily and we will review on Monday.  He thinks it is a transition problem and will calm down.  I hope so as I am certainly enjoying having those few extra hours in the day!

My mind is quiet, it is not like anxiety, but I keep getting up like I need or want to be doing something.  I just don't seem to be ableto settle down and get on with anything at all.  Perhaps that is why I am doing lots of short blog posts.

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